Fordham University Press

I received an e-mail from Fordham University Press informing me that I could save 30 percent during Pride Month. This press publishes a number of horrible LGBT books, which is surprising since Fordham is a Catholic university. The reason I am on the mailing list is because the press publishes some religious books and I either purchased Thou Shalt Not Kill: A Political and Theological Dialogue (2015), by Adriana Cavarero and Angelo Scola, or requested a review copy. I don’t remember writing a review of the book, and since it is not in my possession anymore, the book probably turned out to be a big disappointment and I tossed it. I used to own Greek: An Intensive Course (2nd rev. ed., 1992), by Hardy Hansen and Gerald M. Quinn. Fordham still publishes A Reformation Debate: John Calvin and Jacopo Sadoleto (2000), but the copy I once owned was from another publisher. Ninety-nine percent of all of the other books published by Fordham that can broadly be considered religious are pure garbage. And, in case you were wondering, the same goes for Fordham’s books that are not religious in nature.