Books by Laurence M. Vance
The Other Side of Calvinism
A Brief History of English Bible Translations
The Angel of the Lord
Archaic Words and the Authorized Version
A Practical Grammar of Basic Biblical Hebrew
Double Jeopardy: The NASB Update
Christianity and War and Other Essays Against the Warfare State
King James, His Bible, and Its Translators
Greek Verbs in the New Testament and Their Principal Parts
War, Foreign Policy, and the Church
Guide to Prepositions in the Greek New Testament
The Myth of the Just Price and the Biblical Case for Laissez Faire
Guide to Nouns in the Greek New Testament
Guide to Adjectives in the Greek New Testament
Guide to Pronouns in the Greek New Testament
The Revolution that Wasn’t
Rethinking the Good War
Galatians 1 & 2: Exposition, Commentary, Application
The Quatercentenary of the King James Bible
The War on Drugs Is a War on Freedom
War, Christianity, and the State: Essays on the Follies of Christian Militarism
Social Insecurity
War, Empire, and the Military: Essays on the Follies of War and U.S. Foreign Policy
The Making of the King James Bible—New Testament
Gun Control and the Second Amendment
Free Trade or Protectionism?
The Free Society
Erasmus on Christianity, War, and Soldiers
Abortion, Republicans, and Libertarians
Education in a Free Society
School Choice for Whom?
Foreign Aid Folly
Health Care Freedom
The Origin of the Chapters and Verses in the Bible
The Text of the King James Bible
A Brief History of English Bible Translations and The Angel of the Lord are out of print. Descriptions of books and purchase information is at