Laurence M. Vance has reviewed books published by:
Broadman & Holman, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Zondervan, Baker Books, Brazos Press, Eerdmans Publishing, Kregel Publications, HarperOne, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Crossway, Baylor University Press, Hendrickson Publishers, William Morrow, Georgetown University Press, Regnery Publishing, NYU Press, Scribner, Mercer University Press, Wipf and Stock, InterVarsity Press, Westminster John Knox Press, Monthly Review Press, Encounter Books, Independent Institute, Simon & Schuster, Threshold Editions, Penguin Press, Pearson/Prentice Hall,, Mises Institute, American Institute for Economic Research, University of Chicago Press, HarperCollins, Scholarly Resources, Crown Forum, ISI Books, Metropolitan Books, Walker & Company, Sentinel, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, Cascade Books, Multnomah Books, Xulon Press, Calvary Press Publishing, Global Gospel Publishers, Randall House Publications, Praeger, Stanford Economic and Finance, Clarity Press, Way of Life Literature, Lampion Press, Tyndale Seminary Press, McCowen Mills Publishers, Regular Baptist Press, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Loyal Publishing, DTM Media, Basic Books, American Vision, Alertness Press, and Routledge.
Laurence M. Vance has reviewed books for:
Chronicles, Southern Partisan, Mises Daily, The Freeman, Atlanta Life, the New American, the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics,, the Journal of Faith and the Academy, Review of Biblical Literature, the Future of Freedom, the Journal of Dispensational Theology, the Journal of Libertarian Studies, and the Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society.
What will follow here is an A-Z list by title of all books reviewed by Laurence M. Vance going back about 25 years.