(Read part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7) I must bring this review to a close. In the other parts of this review, I have covered the introductory material and chapters 1-4, 14, & 15. Hollner laments that some critics have not read his entire book through and “still leave it bad reviews” (p. 324). I can understand why. Anyone with any sense who read just one of the chapters that I have reviewed thus far would be justified in leaving a bad review. To be fair to the author, I have read the entire book through. And it is for that reason that I must say that The King James Only Debate is the worst book I have ever read when it comes to errors of fact, grammatical errors, layout, and formatting errors. Chapters 5-13 are not as bad as the rest of the book, so I will not comment on each of these chapters individually. They are, however, still written in the usual Hollner bombastic style that makes them painful to read. Anything of value in these chapters could be condensed by about 80 percent. I can’t resist, though, in pointing out this ridiculous statement from chapter 9: “If we received a love offering of twenty dollars for every so-called contradiction in the King James Bible that we cleared up, we could have a room full of twenty-dollar bills” (p. 276). I couldn’t help but think, who would write this guy about anything? The King James Only Debate is a disgrace and embarrassment to our cause. It is a horrible book that can only drive curious people away from the King James Bible. The author should immediately apologize for writing such a piece of garbage, take it off the market, destroy his inventory of the book, and go into hiding. The book is that bad. There is nothing in it that is “good” that cannot be found in other books in defense of the King James Bible.